The power of mantras
Oct 29, 2019Everything is energy.
The chair you sit on. The food you eat. The sentences you speak.
Last Thursday I attended the concert of the year (although I think so). ‘On the wings of Mantra,’ the night was called. Deva Premal, her soulmate Miten and Manose hit it off!
(This picture was taken at the concert; all credits for Deva, Miten and Manose)
All the men and women who were there, all those wonderful powerhouses full of energy, sang the mantras. Imagine… a sold-out room that sings lyrics in Sanskrit and thus brings that energy into life.
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
"Om mani Padme Hum", or the invocation of "the pearl in the lotus flower". That pearl? That's you. Your soul that is present on earth to learn and develop. Let your potential fully blossom. The suffering of others that ceases because you are able to help them. Simply by being who you really are. On the side, you develop self-confidence and experience your inner beauty as well.
or the mantra of….
"Gayatri", a mantra from the sacred scriptures of ancient India (the Vedas). It means liberation and is an invocation of your ultimate origin (you can call the Universe, Creative Force, Source, G-D, etc). A hymn intended as an ode to the sun to bring enlightenment to all living beings here on earth. Our thoughts, words and actions ... the Gayatri shines on it for a moment. Shows us the way, helps us make choices and gives us confidence.
Ohm Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenya
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat.
For example, there were countless mantras that came to life just like a balloon where the air is blown into and then deflated. The big difference is that the energy that you created by singing the mantra remains…. At the end of this Sangha, the energy of the concert hall is full of intention, light and connectedness.
You are energy yourself.
Your words.
Your thoughts.
Your actions.
Make them count.
I feel enormously privileged that I can share my experiences with you.
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