The answer is silence...

exploration highsensitives hsp innerlicious innerlight intuition intuitions intuitive intuitives light love meditation medium mediums mediumship psychic sensitive sensitives soul soulsearching superpowers trust Jul 25, 2019

Work hard on your silence,

Let your success be your noise.

That’s right. If we become comfortable with silence itself and our own inner silence, in particular, we have the opportunity to tune in. Then the magic happens. We actually get answers.

If I may suggest to you, a journal comes in handy here. In writing down your thoughts and emotions you give them literally a place to rest. The lingering stops. It may not be immediately but I assure you… clarity comes.

Sometimes, the answers that we seek to our questions are so painful, that we tend to mislead ourselves. How? We call and ask someone else. ‘What do you think?’ or ‘What would you do if you were in my situation?’ are questions that are asked quite regularly.

Once, in a session, I’ve had a client who thrived at this. I asked her ‘How do you handle a difficult answer for yourself?’ and she replied: ‘Simple. I just call my mother, my sister and my best friend. There is always one of them who will give the answer I need’.

‘The answer I need’.

Well. Need I say more?

In the silence resides answers. Loads. To all questions. To all the matters that keep us up at night.

Then, all we have to do is listen.

Listen to that soft voice. That whispering one. The one that serves you with the energy of Love.

If you’re able, create space in your diary to look for your own silence. It’ll help you to live from this deep place of inner knowing, clarity and love.

It is remarkable how creating a practice and actually living that practice will give you trust. Trust in yourself, that you can and will handle any given situation. Whatever happens. And… trust in life. The fact that Life is happening for you, not to you. All you have to do is watch it unfold.

"At the centre of your being, you have the answer. You know who you are, and you know what you want." Rumi

And so it is.


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