Here is the difference between an 'empath' and an 'intuitive' (it's as easy as a latte macchiato and a soy latte!)
Aug 09, 2019Have you ever found yourself in a coffee shop ordering -let’s say- a latte macchiato and when you have taken your first sip you’re thinking…. ‘Hey, this isn’t my regular latte. This is a soy latte!’. Naturally, you ask the barista what happened to your regular latte and all he says is ‘Soy is milk as well. New policy. We only serve soy milk now due to climate change or something’.
Ok. Maybe you have not found yourself in this situation.
Point is… a latte macchiato by definition is coffee with a huge amount of milk. From cows. The only plant that was involved was grass. No soybean insight. Otherwise, it’s called a soy latte, right?
Then you tell me. Why are the terms ‘intuitive’ and ‘empathic’ used interchangeably? Just as milk and soy, they couldn’t differ more.
An intuitive looks inside oneself for answers, guidance and understanding. An empath is a person who picks up energies in the surroundings they find themselves in.
Intuitive - inside
Empath - outside
It is that simple. Just as milk and soy.
An intuitive picks up subtle energy during everyday activities. This information is processed and stored within oneself without passing our conscious mind. When a person opens up to oneself, all this information can be accessed. If needed, this information is brought to the conscious mind in an instant. We call that ‘Claircogniance’. If an intuitive takes it up a notch, the collective consciousness (in the sense of Carl Jung’s definition) can be accessed.
An empath picks up external energies like soundwaves and auras of persons.
Most persons are intuitive and empathic to some degree, it varies per person. There is also the possibility of just being intuitive or empathic.
Well, I’m glad we sort that out.
I’m craving a latte right now. A skinny one. Summer is here.
Have a great week!
To your intuition and your empathic abilities,
Annemieke from Innerlicious
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