How you doin'... about the energy behind our conversations

innerlicious intention intentions intuitive intuitive development meditation medium mediums psychic sensitive sensitives Aug 10, 2019

If you’ve said this line to someone -let’s say- in 1996 probably the other person had to laugh, grin, or at least smile at you. It was Joey’s line though. Great Friend.

It was the way how he pronounced it that we as an audience immediately knew… he likes Monica. Or Rachel. Or both. He had both. Not at the same time though. Maybe that would be a nice storyline in the sequel. 


It was the energy that was behind this line which we all felt. We copied. Used it in our own lives if we liked somebody and we didn't have the courage to say it to them. (Although I must admit, I never did use it).

Completely different from the seemingly uninterested ‘Hi, how are you?’ which we get at the counter at a regular supermarket. For those of us who live in the USA or have visited probably know what I’m talking about. It’s culture there. People don’t really want to know how you are. It’s company policy to say this line, pretending that one cares. (Please don’t email me about the fact that there are a lot of people who have to obey these company policies and are genuine in their intentions and behaviour. I feel you. That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make here).

People feel the energy and the intention of our communication.



They read between the lines.

Energy is felt. Intentions are picked up.

We don’t get to control other people’s behaviour. We do control our own. Let’s make it count. Spread your word and fuel it up with your intentions. You will find more meaning. Have more truthful convo’s. Read the energy behind the lines.

Just as we all did with Joey.

Now... when is this sequel finally coming?

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