An exercise to develop your intuition

clairvoyance clairvoyant empath empaths intuition intuitive intuitives medium mediums Jun 18, 2020

You must have been an outsider. Like me. Not that I didn't fit in. I did. I made sure of that. But I felt like an outsider. Probably my whole youth. And you?

My favorite moment of the day was just right before bedtime. The day was done, the big blue curtains closed and the twilight was so nice. At that time of day I saw images. Energy.

Nobody talked about that. And I was afraid to bring it up. Because I also knew very well that not everyone 'saw' energy.

Does that sound familiar?

Now, like you, I know better. There are so many people with experiences like this. But no one spoke.

Let's do that now.

Open those senses completely. Because that reality is also there.

Therefore, this week I give you an exercise. 

Have your partner, housemate or anyone else choose and cover an object (with a blanket or tablecloth or something). Preferably so you don't see what it is.

Then it's up to you.

Do not think in advance which sense you will appeal to. Just go with it in the moment. 

That approach, what you do now, is your first preference.

Now you can choose to make that sense your perfect sense. Of course you can also choose to further develop a different sense.

However it may be. Continue your development. Share your experiences. Make your senses work for you.

Because if you are connected to your truest self, then you are the most beautiful version of yourself ... and therefore for others.


PS: Please forward this email if you know that this information also serves someone else. I am very grateful to you! #sharethelove.

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