The energy behind colour!
Nov 13, 2019"Colors inspire me enormously!" Dutch famous fashion designer (and late) Frank Goovers said already in the last century in a hilarious TVcommercial.
Behind that hilarity lies a deeper essence. Colour is vibration. The word "inspiration" comes from being "in spirit". In being connected with the creative power that is responsible for the creation of everything and everyone. (a.k.a. the G-D of your own understanding). Because when you are inspired, you often forget the time. And space. You are then in your mind in a place where there is no time and space. Call it 'flow'. Or endless happiness.
Sir Isaac Newton ironically discovered the colour spectrum in addition to the gravity here on earth. Easy. With a prism. Each colour breaks at a different angle and therefore the human eye perceives colours such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo. Newton discovered that each colour has its own vibration level.
That is my point.
Each colour releases something else in you. Our brain - and therefore our Being - is influenced by colour. It's no coincidence that the Coca Cola logo is dominated by red. It stands for excitement, strength, youthfulness and the passion for life that goes with it. Or the blue of Hewlett Packard, Oral-B and IBM for reliability and power.
From that suit that you pull out of the closet every day (or that nice hoodie) to that daily purchase at the convenience store, we are influenced by colour. Your interior at home and the people you feel attracted to (or resist).
Let colour inspire you too. Because that's what it's all about for me. For inspiration. Flow. To feel one with all that lives.
And maybe, just maybe in the summer of 2020 you stand, just like Frank G., on a remote mountain top somewhere in the East. In full surrender and state of inspiration, you ask a Buddhist monk dressed in an orange robe:
"Great outfit, by the way. New?'
To your colorful life,
PS: Do you want to get more energy from your life? Read here about my ultimate 'Really? YOU ā€‹ā€‹do a psychic program? " psychic program.
PPS: Oh, do you want to see this TVcommercial from way back when? I know it is in Dutch and it hasn't got subtitles but I promise, just from the look of it, it's hilarious. Here is the link. Such a great 'Blast from the past!'.
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