Build your own powerbase

innerlicious intuition intuitive meditation medium mediums power senses sitting sittinginthepower trustyourintuition Sep 04, 2019

“Build on your own power base. Make it a study. "

That's what my spiritual mentor told me two days ago. A simple sentence. Almost an empty shell.

Yet it is so profound.

Your power base is in your body. In your "core" as they say in the gym. It is the place where that little flame burns inside you. You know, the one that grows slowly in a meditation.

That same flame that can suddenly break out in a big fire due to a fight. Or through a passionate night. You pick :).

Sometimes, we do not connect to that power base.

Are you logged out? Has your battery died?

It may sound strange, but we have to take care of our own flame. I deliberately say "have to". 

If we forsake this task, our flame will go out. It is in these times a burnout is lurking. 

Or we become indifferent to what we do. To your job. To your relationship. 

Yet if we look at it the other way around we find also what's true. We take care of ourselves. We take time out of our busy lives for our passions. Celebrate life.

In fact, you then know where your own switch is so to speak. You simply know how to regulate that flame. That means that you'll find out for yourself what people or activities are energy providers in your life. And which are energy leaks.

What makes your flame burst out of passion? Or goes out like a candle flame? You name it.

Is it in your work? In your relationships? In your love life?

And... could you take responsibility for it or does it concern the circumstances that you're in?

Make a study of your power base.

Build upon on it.

I keep on building upon myself. Every day. By seeking the silence in which I connect with the power that created everyone and everything. Give it a name that feels good to you. I call it "Creative Force".

Believe me. It only makes you stronger.


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