"In your Light, I learn how to love" (Rumi) How automatic writing can help you in your life
Sep 05, 2019Writing is key to me. I love it. It's that simple.
Did you know that writing from love, from flow connects you instantly to your true nature?
This is actually called 'automatic writing' but 'writing from flow' sounds so much nicer. Once inflow, universal energy is led to the paper through your hand. You are the one who makes your hand available.
Next, to that, you'll need a clear mind. A mind that's free of burdens, sorrows and heavy thoughts and energy.
Thus.. 1, 2, 3, meditate!
Or drink a cup of coffee. Whatever works for you.
Then pick up a pen and let the emerging thoughts flow into the world through your pen. Give it a try, you will see you're writing down a ton of wisdom!
Well, actually, Spirit is.
You know.
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