How the motto 'Change your thoughts, change your life' (may help lower your risks to get sick)

healing innerlicious intuition intuitive intuitives medium mediums mentor psychic psychics sensitive sensitives Oct 31, 2019

Flu season has started! Hope you've been able to prevent yourself from getting sick, dear Jacquie.

Tell me, when you read this quote, do you feel some sort of resistance?
Hippocrates wrote this (or said that) thousands of years ago. Let's replace 'someone' by 'yourself'.

Thus... "If you want to cure someone ... etc" becomes"Before you heal yourself ...". Suddenly, this quote may be experienced as quite confronting.


Within the blink of an eye... it's your own responsibility to let go of a belief that causes you to get sick. 'Nonsense!' say some people. Getting sick is nine out of ten times a virus and you just can't beat viruses. They're there. They make you ill. That's why.

This has nothing to do with mottos like "Change your thought, change your mind".

Shall I tell you something? This is right. A virus is a virus and a virus makes you sick.

But Hippocrates wasn't a fool wrtiting this down. It goes much deeper than that. A virus sees an opportunity to nestle in your body. On a cellular level, there's room and space for it. That is what this is about. In the end, this is about our consciousness.

It is a matter of mind over matter. You can free yourself from beliefs and thoughts that lower your resistance.

Hippocrates was not crazy. We are, as far as I am concerned, spiritual beings having a human experience here on this planet. Our brain controls our body. By taking ourselves seriously (in sleeping, eating, exercising) we keep our brain and therefore our body healthy. My message today is ... know who controls your brain. That is our energy, our spirit. Endless energy with no beginning and no end. Knowing and trusting this energy, thus our spirit opens a field of possibility.

The motto: "Change your thoughts, change your mind" wasn't a coincidence. We can change and reshape who we are. Every day. Each moment.

At the moment I have a cold. A virus. And a big one too.

For me, that means: work on your mind, Kloover! What belief is limiting me? It's exciting to investigate. That's because the results always are: more space. More freedom. More wellbeing.

All of a sudden this quote from Hippocrates is mind-blowing.

If you want more of this, more inspiration and more exercises of you getting more REAL you every day, Then Check My Six-Month Program


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