3 steps to connect to your intuition

innerlicious intuition intuitive intuitives meditation meditations medium mediums psychic psychics Oct 29, 2019

Follow the leader, leader, leader… Follow the leader…

This annoying song obviously is about a person itself. I found it a funny song back in the day. I remember partying to this song where the crowd would burst out in spontaneous dancing literally following a ‘leader’ person. (Those were the 90’s, what can I say?).

Crazy isn’t it? That we are listening to such a crazy song but leave our intuition completely alone.

Our inner guide.

Yes. That’s what Innerlicious means.

Here are three steps that’ll help you improve your continuous state of contact. Your intuition is there for you… ready for you to help out when you need to make a decision. The right one. Just so that you can be happy. Just because you can.

Here are those three steps to help you to return to your natural flow.

1. Me-time

You also can call it ‘resting’. To become in a state of total relaxation. Take a bath, a hike or read a nice book on your couch. Or settle down on your meditation pillow and close your eyes…. just to let go of your thoughts.

2. Thoughts hold power

You can go completely nuts on your thoughts. I’m asking you to answer this question. Which energy is behind those thoughts? Is it Love or fear? Loving thoughts never release any stress. They don’t make you go crazy. Fearful thoughts, however… that’s a different cookie. This is all about dealing with the fear behind the thoughts. After you’ve done that, you feel peaceful again. Promise.

3. Make your connection

My yoga teacher calls it ‘to go inside’. Concentrate on your solar plexus and breathe carefully.  You’ll feel yourself become more relaxed. Bingo. That’s the state you’re looking for. It is a sign that you are indeed in connection.

I love it when someone finds her flow. If you do what you most love doing.  Because that’s when you fulfil your dharma. Your life-purpose. If you want me to work with you on this, have a look at my 6-month intuition program!

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